Mec trooper star wars

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If you splice up one of your favorite soldiers and then he dies… that’s a risky investment. With the new resource MELD, as the commander, you need to decide where to collect, distribute, and save your MELD reserves. Think of MELD as millions of nanites that can be used to do one of two things: enhance human genetics, or mix flesh with machine. In the very first mission, you’ll come across a new alien substance called MELD. Human enemies, genesplicing, and mechanical men, oh my! Basically, Firaxis and 2K took already amazing game and found a way to make it more spectacular. If you’re even the tiniest fan of Enemy Unknown, I can’t even fathom you not being in love with Enemy Within.

So what is XCOM: Enemy Within besides a very similarly named expansion to XCOM: Enemy Unknown? My abridged answer is a similar game with tons of new options and opportunities. I can’t even imagine playing for a few days, not playing for a week, then expect to be right back in it.

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XCOM is one of those games that is so challenging and involving that once you start, it’s nearly impossible to stop without getting completely lost in what you were doing.

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Some of us had to blow off the dust that had been building up on our XCOM: Enemy Unknown copies to install the newest DLC XCOM: Enemy Within.